The Parallels Between Poker and Business


Poker is a game of skill and chance that requires a high level of mental activity to win. It also improves your critical thinking skills and can even make you a better person off the table. This is why it’s one of the most popular games to play online.

The game is easy to learn, highly social, provides the opportunity for profit and takes a lifetime of dedication to master. There are many parallels between success in poker and business; both rely on knowing where you have the edge, measuring your odds, trusting your instincts, escaping the “sunk cost trap”, and committing to constant learning and improvement.

While it may seem counterintuitive, poker actually improves your hand-eye coordination. After all, you are constantly moving your chips and cards around the table as you play. This can strengthen the muscles in your hands and even increase your dexterity.

In poker, you must learn how to read the emotions of your opponents and interpret non-verbal cues to help you make decisions. This is a valuable life skill, especially in business. In fact, the top business leaders often rely on their experience, their knowledge of the market and their gut instinct to guide them through important decisions.

There are moments when an unfiltered expression of emotion is entirely justified, but most of the time it’s best to keep it in check. In poker, this means not letting your anger or frustration get the better of you, and in life it’s about not allowing stress or anger to boil over. Poker teaches you to control your emotions, which can have many positive benefits outside of the game.

The game also teaches you how to assess risks and make sound financial decisions. This is particularly useful in these tough economic times. In poker, it’s important to only gamble with money you’re willing to lose and to track your wins and losses so that you can identify the areas where you need to improve.

In poker, you’ll develop quick instincts if you watch experienced players and try to emulate their strategy. You can practice this by playing single tables and observing how other players react to the game. If you’re able to perfect your instincts, you can quickly become a break-even player and eventually start winning at a higher rate. Keep in mind that even the most successful pro players had to start somewhere. So don’t be discouraged if you aren’t winning right away. Just focus on improving your game and stay patient. Eventually you’ll see the rewards!